Hello! I am

Lior Bar

Front-end developer based in Washington DC

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Featured projects:


Coffee Project

Everyone has something that they are passionate about, and mine just happens to be coffee. So when I was getting ready to complete my first ever coding project, and we were instructed to make it about something we love, the choice was pretty obvious. Is it the best page about coffee you've ever seen? probably not, but it marks the first stepping stone in my journey and so I display it proudly on my page.

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Weather Project

The second stepping stone in my journey to coding, was not quite as quick or as easy as the first. Believe it or not, this was not the first weather app I have made, thruthfully, it's probably the 4th, 5th or 100th... Many of my earlier projects were variations of this very app, some more successful than others of course, in both design and functionality, and yet this one is my absolute favorite. So, here's to another milestone in the journey!

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